Gap Sap With Pankaj Trivedi | Biker and Film Maker | S01E10 | Hindi
With over 15 years of experience in the training industry, conducting workshops for over 250 companies, it surprised most people when Pankaj decided to quit the corporate world and follow his heart to do what he loved the most - travel across the country on his bike, and seek adventures that stir his soul. And he got a lot more than what he expected.
Pankaj, a qualified expedition leader having graduated from the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, has trekked some tough terrains, biked across various locales and lived in harsh conditions, just to fuel his passion for adventure. And somewhere along the way, as he met with people from different regions and cultures, he graduated from being a traveler to a story-seeker. His interactions with people gave him a good pulse on how they feel, what they go through, and somewhere deep down; he wanted to make a difference in their lives.
Pankaj at Rosehub's Office during his Varanasi stay.
So he packed his bags, set off on his bike armed with his cameras, raw talent and a heart of gold, in search of stories that needed a happier ending. Join the Journey of Doing Right and help us complete the stories we find along the way, with our Do Righter Pankaj Trivedi. (Quoted from:
Gap-Sap with | Prof. Kunal Karan | University of Calgary, Canada
We had a wonderful conversation with Prof. Kunal Karan; Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada. He works in the field of alternative energy, specifically on ‘electrochemical’ energy conversion and storage technologies. He is internationally recognized for his notable contributions in the field of fuel cells, which is an energy conversion technology akin to batteries that produces electricity directly from fuels. He is author of over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has been invited to give research talks across the globe. At the University of Calgary, he co-founded and is also an Associate Director of the Calgary Advanced Energy Conversion and Storage Research – Technologies (CAESR-Tech) group. Prof. Kunal Karan spend his growing years in different states/cities in Eastern India. He obtained his undergraduate education in Chemical Engineering at IIT (BHU) and then moved to Canada for higher studies and work. follow this link to know more about him:
A young group of IITians just completed their latest music video today. Nimit Singh and Kuber Patelcreated such awesome visual for them. Watch it out here.
Applications of Adaptive Optics | A lecture by Prof. Brij N. Agrawal | IIT BHU | English
“Educate to innovate, innovate to change”
Institute Lecture Series Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi
& Technex-17 brings you the 26th Institute Lecture & the Fifth Pre-fest Think Talk of Technex '17
Professor Brij N. Agrawal
Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Director of the Spacecraft Research and Design Center, and Director of the Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), USA
Has delivered on
Lecture Title: Applications of Adaptive Optics in Imaging Satellites, Ground Telescopes, and Lasers
Day & Date: Wednesday, the 16th November, 2016
Time : 05 .00 p. m.
Venue : Professor Gopal Tripathi Auditorium, Department of
Chemical Engg & Technology, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
Professor G. V. S. Sastry, Actg. Director, shall preside.
About Dr. Brij Agrawal
Dr. Brij N. Agrawal is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Director of the Spacecraft Research and Design Center, and Director of the Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), USA. He has developed teaching and research programs in spacecraft design, acquisition, tracking and pointing, jitter control, and adaptive optics control for imaging spacecraft, laser communications, and high energy laser beam control. Prior to Joining NPS in 1989, Prof. Agrawal worked for twenty years in R&D and development of several communications satellites for Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) and International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT). Professor Agrawal wrote the first textbook on spacecraft design: “Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft.” He has been thesis advisor for 10 Ph.D. and 45 MS students. He has two patents, one on attitude control and the other on jitter control. Prof. Agrawal has published over 150 papers in journals and conference proceedings. He has received several awards. He received B.Sc. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering in 1964, ME (Hons) Mechanical Engineering in 1966, IIT Roorkee, MS Mechanical Engineering, 1968, Mc Master University, Canada, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 1970, Syracuse University, USA. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Academician, International Academy of Astronautics.
He has collaborated in India at ISRO and DRDO. At ISRO, he participated in the early phase development of INSAT 1, first Indian communications satellite, 1977-78. At DRDO, he has given short courses in space systems and adaptive optics for high energy lasers. For recently approved multiyear joint project between DRDO, India and Department of Defense, USA, he is the principal investigator on the application of adaptive optics to correct the high energy laser beam aberration due to air turbulence.
Additional links:
*NPS Vita for Brij Agrawal
*Dr. Brij N. Agrawal, Ph.D, Distinguished Professor
Director, Spacecraft Research and Design Center
Prof. Brij N Agrwal receiving distinguish alumnus award at IIT(BHU)
Abstract the Lecture
This Lecture will provide an overview of adaptive optics and its applications to imaging satellites, ground telescopes and laser systems. It will also provide an overview of research performed at NPS in Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence in these areas. NPS has Segmented Mirror Telescope (SMT) testbed. SMT consists of 3 meter diameter space telescope with 6 segments. Each segment has 156 actuators for surface control and three fine and 6 coarse actua
Prof. Brij N Agrwal with Prof. SK Sharma
(Head Dept. of Mining Engineering IIT-BHU)
tors for segment phasing. It has Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor for surface control and phase diversity sensor for segment phasing. It also has Fast Steering Mirror for jitter control. These mirrors need to have very fine surface accuracy in the range of 30 nm RMS. Research is also performed on reducing primary mirror surface performance requirements by adding a deformable mirror in the optical path. Another area of research is correcting laser beam aberration due to atmosphere turbulence by using adaptive optics. Applications are laser communications and high energy lasers.
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Living with a Star | A Lecture by Prof Robert (Erdelyi) von Fay-Siebenburgen
Professor Robert (Erdelyi) von Fay-Siebenburgen has delivered 23rd Institute Lecture of IIT(BHU) on Monday, the 19th September, 2016
About the Speaker:
Prof. Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen (popularly Prof Robertus Erdelyi, in publication) is a
Professor and Head of Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre in School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, UK. He is also the Director of Debrecen Observatory in Hungary.
Audience During Lecture at Professor Gopal Tripathi Auditorium, Department of Chemical Engg & Technology
He is a renowned expert in the general field of space plasma physics. The heating processes that generate and sustain the observed high temperature of the solar and stellar atmospheres have so far defied a quantitative understanding despite the multitude of efforts spanning over half a century. The aim of his research is to address these questions through theoretical (both numerical and exact analytical methods) and observational studies (joint ground-based and satellite missions). Particular attention is paid to the solar influence on the magnetosphere and Space Weather. Understanding the subtleties of plasma confinement at high temperatures is also strongly linked to modern fusion
physics. His interdisciplinary research (including e.g. Magnetohydrodynamics computational fluid dynamics [CFD], kinetic theory) has direct applications in the new and rapidly emerging discipline of helioseismology and Space Weather, as well as basic teaching to engineering and science students . Prof. Erdelyi has a wide expertise in teaching and research of space science, plasma physicsn,magetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, fluid dynamics, analytical & computational techniques. He is one of the world leaders in the field of solar & space plasma research (Citations > 6000, H-Index- 45) with an outstanding track record of publications in peer-reviewed journals (e.g., 02 Nature, 02 Science, 01 Nature Communications, and numerous papers in ApJ, A&A,Solar Physics, MNRAS, Space Science Reviews: The top-most journals in Astronomy and Astrophysics). He is also the scientific advisor in various Indian national projects, e.g., NLST, MAST etc, therefore, has a significant role in Indian Solar Physics.
Abstract of the Lecture (Verbatim as given by the speaker):
“Did you know that more than 98 per cent of material in the Universe is in plasma state? Did you know the atmosphere of stars like the Sun is also in plasma states with temperatures of a few millions of degree K? And, finally, did you also know that the atmosphere of planets in the Solar System strongly interact with plasma flows originating from the Sun causing spectacular phenomena like the Aurora?
In this talk, I will introduce you to the exciting and fascinating world of plasma-astrophysics.
I will demonstrate why the Sun, being the most proxy space plasma laboratory, is so key in this technology-driven world.
I will also address one of the most frightening phenomena that can threaten human civilisation and life in the Solar System: massive energetic storms determining Space Weather. Finally, I will address how the Sun can contribute to solving another great challenge facing the humanity: our endless appetite for clean and green energy.”
tags: Institute Lecture Series, IIT (BHU), Indian Institute of Technology, rosehubTV
Lecture on the fundamental concept of Entrepreneurship at KV Burdwan
Sagar Das (founder Rosehub) Interacting with Kids
On 26th September we meet students from class 11 & 12 of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Burdwan-WB, and share the fundamental concept of Entrepreneurship, innovation & creativity. We also show a documentary on MCIIE, IIT-BHU to let them know how to harness their dream.
Science is fun workshop at Bardhaman Science Center
We Curated a workshop named 'Science is fun', during our three days West Bengal tour. This workshop was organized by Science Center Bardhaman at Burdwan town, with the collaboration of Sarba Siksha Mission West Bengal on 27th Sept, 2016. The Honorable D.M. of Burdwan district; Dr. Saumitra Mohan visited the event and also took initiative to let his own children attend this workshop for a very short notice! Science enthusiast children from far away village schools came together to participate in this 4 days event and we are glad to get a chance to share our expertise with this wonderful explorers. During this workshop, children got a chance to create real science models using household waste materials and learn about some major principles of science while playing with those models. A team of journalist and videographer from national television network of India; ‘doordarshan’ was recorded the event for production of national documentary modern education.
Science Center Burdwan, WB
Ramkesh Patel (founder Rosehub) explaining science behind newspaper cap to DM Burdwan, WB
tags: Burdwan Science Center, Rosehub Workshop, Science is fun, arvind gupta toys, IIT BHU
National seminar on Distance Learning in Higher Education
रोजहब के सहयोग से पश्चिम बंगाल में बांकुरा जिले के आर एन टैगोर बी. एड. महाविद्यालय में दिनांक 25-26 सितम्बर 2016 को एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण विषय "Distance learning in Higher Education and Use of
Information Technology (IT) in Current
Scenario in India." में सफलता पूर्वक संगोष्ठी आयोजित कि गईl इस संगोष्ठी में भारत के
विभिन्न स्थानों के प्रमुख शिक्षा संस्थानों से आयें अध्यापकों,छात्र-छात्राओं ने बड़े पैमाने पर भागीदारी कीl दो
दिवसीय इस सेमिनार में अनुभवी अध्यापकों ने अपने अनुभव, विचार
और शोध पत्र के आधार पर विभिन्न विषयोंपर अपनेविचारों को
साझा किया| रोजहब संस्थापक श्री सागर दास ने तकनीकी में हो रहे विभिन्न प्रयोगों
के बारे की जानकारी रोचक ढंग से दी| इस सेमिनार में लगभग 700 छात्र-छात्राओं, जो
आने वाले विगत सालों में शिक्षक बनने वाले है| इस अवसर पर सारे प्रतिभागियों ने पूरे
उत्साह के साथ भाग लेते हुए इस सेमिनार को सफल बनाया।
A two days National Seminar was held on 25th and 26th September 2016 at R. N. Tagore B. Ed College, Brindabonpur, Bankura. The seminar, titled - "Distance learning in higher education and use of information technology (IT) in current scenario in India." was organized with the collaboration of Rosehub Edutainment Pvt. Ltd. In this benchmark seminar highly experienced and dignified professors, faculties and great speakers from the different prime educational institutions shared their researches, ideas, experiences, and dreams about the future of education and Information technology with the young generation educators. In this seminar approx 700 participants took part with full interest and activeness and made the seminar successful. The thought provoking seminar inspired and enlightens the participants and gives them a constrictive perspective on the future of education in India.
Green Homes for India | by Prof Ashok Jhunjhunwala | IIT BHU | English
Padma Shri Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala
has deliveredthe 24th Institute Lecture of Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Lecture Title: Decentralized Solar : Can it Help India Get Half its Power by 2030
Ashok Jhunjhunwalais Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras at Chennai, India. After his B.Tech from IITK, he got his MS and PhD from the University of Maine. From 1979 to 1981, he was with Washington State University as faculty. Since 1981, he has been teaching at IIT, Madras.
Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala along with Prof. Rajeev Sangal Director, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
Dr. Jhunjhunwala is considered the pioneer in nurturing Industry -Academia interaction in India towards R&D, Innovation and Product Development. He conceived and built the first Research Park (IIT Madras Research Park) in India which houses over 100 R&D companies in its 1.2 million square feet built-up area. TIE conferred him the title of Dronacharya for his contributions to the cause of entrepreneurship, as he incubated and nurtured over 100 companies at IIT Madras. He heads the IITM Incubation Cell and Rural Technology and Business Incubator (RTBI). He founded and had been leading the Telecommunications and Computer Networks group (TeNeT), which has worked closely with industry in the development of a number of products for Indian telecom, banking and power industries.
One of his key focus over the last two decades has been to drive telecom R&D. As a developer of the first Wireless in Local Loop (CorDECT WLL) product in India, he recognizes that in the absence of adequate wire-line infrastructure, India would need to deliver higher and higher bit rate per Hz of available spectrum, but with lower and lower power per bit. 4G and 5G wireless technologies are focused towards this. The R&D tasks in India are to contribute to new fundamental ideas and acquire enough IPR in the area and drive international standards. The first objective would be to get India as a net-royalty inflow nation. At the same time, there has to be a focus on driving telecom design and manufacturing in India, so that its net-imports in telecom goes to zero. Simultaneously, he has been working on using telecom and ICT to make a difference to lives of people in India, especially for its rural people. Using ICT to drive health-care, education, agriculture, livelihood and financial inclusion has been the focus of his work. He was the founder chairman of Mobile Payment Forum of India, which enabled mobile payments in India.
Having made a mark in telecom, over the last couple of years he has focused on power and has come up with innovation to ensure that all homes in India get 24 x 7 power even in situation of extreme power shortage. Using his solar-DC innovation, he is focused on decentralised solar power and believes that by 2030, India should get 50% of its peak power from solar. As a chairman of Technology Advisory Group for Electric Mobility, he believes that 50% of vehicles in 2030 could have electric traction.
He is keen to drive quality into Science and Engineering Higher Education. As a member of Kakodkar committee on IITs and NITs, he has driven that IITs should become primarily research institutions in future, while NITs should become the institutions with highest quality UG education. As a chair of a MHRD committee on “Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education,†and a member of review committee of AICTE, he is targeting both public and private engineering colleges to significantly improve the quality of their education. He believes that ICT can be an important tool to enable this, though strengthening of local faculty is equally important.
As a chairman of a Committee of SAC-PM on water, he has come up with a comprehensive report on different ways that water-shortage, quality and pollution is affecting India and has come up with R&D, Implementation and Policy tasks that India has to undertake to overcome its water problems.
Audience during Lecture at Prof. Gopal Tripathi Auditorium
Dr. Jhunjhunwala has been Chairman and member of various government committees and has been on Boards of several education institutions in the country. At the same time, he has been on the Boards of a number of public and private companies and has driven comprehensive changes, especially in the area of technology, in the companies. He was a Director on the Board of State Bank of India, Bharat Electronics, HTL, NRDC, IDRBT, VSNL and BSNL. Currently he is a Board member of Tata Communications, Mahindra Rewa, Sasken, Tejas Networks, TTML, Intellect and Exicom. He is currently also on the Board of BIRAC and Chairman of Technology Advisory Group of SEBI.
Dr. Jhunjhunwala was conferred Padma Shri in 2002, Shanti-swarup Bhatnagar Award, Vikram Sarabhai Research Award, H. K. Firodia Award, Silicon India Leadership Award, Millenium Medal at Indian Science Congress, UGC Hari Om Ashram Award,Ram Lala Wadhwa Gold Medal, JC Bose fellowship, Bernard Low Humanitarian Award and many more. He is fellow of IEEE, INSA, NAS, IAS, INAE and WWRF. He has also been conferred Honorary Doctorate by University of Maine and Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Tags: Solarenergy, IIT BHU, Indian Institute of Technology, DC motor, Green energy, renewable energy, Institute Lecture
Gap Sap With PadmaShri in Ayurveda Prof. Ram Harsh Singh from IMS-BHU S01E02
It was a overwhelming moment for us as one of India's most dignified educator, researcher and #PadmaShriAward winner Prof. R. H. Singh, visited Rosehub's office at MCIIE IIT-BHU. His enormous contribution in the field of medicine brings him this homer of highest altitude. He has devoted his whole life to reestablish the forgotten heritage of Indian traditional #Ayurveda
Gap-Sap with Manish Jain | Popular Science Trainer | Educator | Toy maker S01E01
Watch Manish Jain Workshop: In this episode we have interviewed Mr. Manish Jain graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (1993) with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He was Director of Engineering and worked in USA and India in the area of VLSI Design before deciding to dive into the popular science education space full time in 2013. Mr. Manish spends a lot of time these days looking at the science behind the simple toys in the videos and is passionate about sharing the magic with people. He firmly believes this approach can revolutionize learning since toys speak the language that children understand. He can be reached at He is also interested in taking science/research to general populace. Some of his popular animated films in Earth Science/Astronomy are here.
Dr. Abhay Bang with Prof. Rajeev Sangal, Director IIT(BHU)
Dr. Abhay Bang (MD, MPH, D. Sc (Hon.) D. Lit (Hon.) ) is Director, SEARCH (Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health), at Gadchiroli. Dr. Bang grew up in the Sevagram Ashram of Mahatma Gandhi. He was inspired by the social ideals, and trained in India (MD) and at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, (MPH). He was a top notcher in the University and won 3 Gold Medals. Along with his wife Dr. Rani Bang, he founded the voluntary organistion, SEARCH, (Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health) 30 years ago in one of the most underdeveloped districts, Gadchiroli, in the state of Maharashtra in India, where they have been working with the people in 150 villages to provide community-based health care and conduct research. They have developed village health care program which has now become a nationally and internationally famous model. It has influenced the health policy in India and globally at least thrice. They first brought to the notice of the world that rural women had a large hidden burden of gynecological diseases. He showed how the pneumonia in children can be managed in villages, and recently, how newborn care can be delivered in villages. Their work has reduced the IMR to 30 in this area. This approach, called the ‘Home-based newborn care’ has been now replicated in several countries, has become a national policy in India, and resulted in the global guidelines (WHO/UNICEF – 2009). They have established the famous community health care and research center ‘Shodhagram’ in the tribal area. They also studied the problem of hidden child mortality in Maharashtra and subsequently launched a programme – Ankur – to reduce child mortality in the State. They have led a compaign against alcohol which led to introduction of prohibition in Gadchiroli district, and influenced the State policy. Recently, he has led a series of studies on tobacco consumption in Gadchiroli, and how to control it in women and children. He has written 2 books of which the one on his ow
n heart disease is extremely popular in Maharashtra. It has received the State literary award. He was a member of the High Level Expert Group to design Universal Health Coverage for India (2010-12), of the National Commission on Population, and of The National Commission on Macro-economics and Health. He was a member of the Mission Steering Group, of the National Rural Health Mission, Govt. of India, and of the National ASHA Mentoring Group, and several national and international committees. He is a member of the Audit Advisory Board of the CAG, India. He was a member of the High Level Committee on Tribal People in India, appointed by the Prime Ministers Office.
He is currently the chairman of the Expert Committee on Tribal Health, Govt. of India. He is a member of the Central Health Council, the apex body of the MOH & FW, Govt. of India.
He and Rani were honoured with the highest honour of the state government ‘Maharashtra Bhushan’. The TIME magazine selected him and Rani as the `Global Health Heros’ (2005).
tags: Institute Lecture Series IIT(BHU), rosehubTV, SEARCH,
Mohan Se Mahatma | मोहन से महात्मा | A puppet show documentary
Please watch this wonderful puppet show named 'Mohan se Mahatma', an excellent initiative taken by Design Innovation Center, IIT (BHU) Varanasi under #ProjectVaranasi. This show was presented on the occasion of Ghandi Jyanti at ABLT 4, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, INDIA by Mr. Mithilesh Dubey and his team of young puppeteers. Rosehub had also created a short documentary on the process of preparation of this puppets.
Screening of documentary ‘Mohan se Mahatma’ at ABLT4,
IIT(BHU), Varanasi
Watch the Making of Puppets:
Audience during puppet show
Puppeteer with Puppets
Rajeev Sangal (Director, IIT(BHU), Varanasi)