Wednesday, August 30, 2017

एक प्राचीन शहर बनारस

एक प्राचीन शहर बनारस

  :­-  नमन श्रीधर
वाराणसी कहें या कहें बनारस , हर बार जब भी इस शहर का नाम सुनाई देता  है, तब हमारे दिमाग में गंगा के घाट , काशी  विश्वनाथ मंदिर , और यहाँ का वर्ल्ड फेमस पान याद आता है|                              
 इसे  प्राचीन शहर और भगवान शिव कि नगरी काशी के नाम से जाना जाता है , पर क्या आप जानते है कि आखिर ये शहर है कितना पुराना ? वाराणसी कि प्राचीनता से जुड़े कई  मिथ और मान्यताएँ  मौजूद है|

  चलिए जानते है ये कहानियाँ


(शिव महापुराण) के अनुसार
कई मान्यताओं में से एक भगवान शिव से जुड़ी है एक बार कि बात है जब  भगवान ब्रहमा ने शिव जी से  झूठ बोला था जिससे क्रोधित होकर उन्होंने ब्रहमा जी का पांचवा  सर  काट  दिया था |
(जी हाँ आपन सही सुना उस समय ब्रहमा जी के पांच सर हुआ करते थे )


ब्रहमा जी का पांचवा सर काटने के महादेव पर ब्रह्महत्या का पाप चढ़ गया था| जिसके कारण ब्रहमा जी का कटा हुआ  सर भगवन शिव के दाएं हाथ से चिपक गया था| वे इससे छुटकारा पाने के लिए वे कालभैरव के रूप लेकर यहाँ से वह भटकने लगे| पर जब वे इस काशी (बनारस) आते हसी तब उनके हट से ब्रहमा जी का सर अपने आप अलग हो जाता है


और वे पाप मुक्त हो जाते है | तब से उन्होंने काशी में  निवास कर लिया| इसलिए आज भी कहा जाता है  कि काशी भगवान शिव के त्रिशूल पे टिकी है |
वामन पुराण के आनुसार ये पता चलता है कि वरुणा और अस्सी नदी प्राचीन समय से यहाँ बहती है | उत्तर कि ओर वरुणा और दक्षिण कि ओर अस्सी | तो इस तरह इस शहर का नाम पड़ा वाराणसी |      

  • ·         इस शहर के दूसरा नाम  है काशी , काशी कश शब्द से निकलता है , जिसका मतलब है उज्जला |

  • ·         अविमुक्त , अनाद्कानन , सुदार्सना, रम्या ये सभी बनारस के ही नाम है |

जैसे कि एक प्रसिद्ध लेखक मार्क ट्वेन ने कहा है ;

 ‘बनारसइतिहास से पुराना, रीति रिवाजों से पुराना ,मान्यताओं से भी पुराना और देखने में इन सभी को मिलके दोगुना पुराना लगता है|

The unseen side of Feminism, that nobody speaks about.

The unseen side of Feminism, that nobody speaks about.

Hasn’t it all been delusional? While holding on the concept of empowerment to a shore. Because in the world where power is everything that looks good, could there be a leisure for not being powerful, for not being the freaking hero who needs to save the day, like every day!
 But why men in our country, supposed to be that? 

See, I’m not a man. And I am just so happy about it. Because to be honest, it’s for me to choose, if I want to be the ultimate badass, a damsel in distress, a shy little girl or the powerhouse of the party. I can be what I want to be.  But it’s not with men. Manly hood begins to hover above the existence of a man, by the early adolescence, and if left untended you are in the permanent stage of disgrace. So I mention here the grounds upon which men should stop being judged. 

The troupe of Strength:


It’s good to be tall, to be strong, to own a heavy voice, look lean and muscular, it’s good, and I appreciate. But you can also own the day without any of these. If you are a leader, you don’t really need a voice or muscle, you can be it anyway. And if you are not, that 6-foot height of yours won’t make you one. So be happy with what you are, more of what us girls say, Celebrate yourself.

What is up, with the door?


Being a gentleman is one thing, and letting girls pass through the door is another, and holding the door while your girl passes is another level of another. Oh, yes, I admit some of the girls do get confused to the ‘push’ and the ‘pull’ written over doors, but we can cope up. And again, that is not a “just girl’s problem” be honest accept it. And give us a chance, while we speak or get inside the door; believe us, we can do it ourselves. We would never let Hodor be Hodor again unless he is already Hodor.

The Moneybag:


See, this is where it gets serious. As I’m talking only for the larger part of the country, where a man in the house gets the bread and butter for the family. But what if the man in the house, wants to be in the house? Not get out, be a mainstream worker. Be at home; write a book or paint, without any issues of earning more or less than your girl. Stop being replaceable with your wallet. Be wanted for yourself not your money.

The Decision maker:


It is certainly NOT necessary for you to decide each and every thing because you don’t know everything and it is completely natural. Be uncertain and be confused, this is how you find out answers. This is what life is, it goes, with imperfection and confusion, and conquering them is what makes you big, ignoring them doesn’t.

The scarier one:


You don’t really have to become the Dad that scares their child. You could be his best friend too, or anybody else. See, this is the 21st century; a man still looks the same, as he did back in time, but he doesn’t need to scare somebody. This man can be a nice person with a heavy voice, you can discuss 500 Days of summer with your mates because it’s a good movie, you don’t need to be wagging about Punisher all the time (No offence I love him too), even when you don’t feel like.

Douched Fearlessness:


Why in the world you pretend not to be scared. Why in the world you think being scared is bad. It is certainly not necessary to stand in front of that Cockroach secretly plead him not to fly and stick on your face when deep beneath, you are way more scared than the girl behind you. Go Scream!
Tell her that you don’t want climb the ladder to change the bulb because height scares you. Ask her to come along when it’s dark, as you don’t prefer dark much.  It’s FINE!

Wearing a Colour:


 You can always wear pink and purple, it doesn’t make you less of anything. I know it’s a great old deal and nobody really thinks like that. But just because people have continuously painted your brain in blues and greys, and because that spooky Barbie Doll wears it. Doesn’t mean you cannot look out for your preferences.

Pretending to be out of emotion:


You are allowed to be low. To sob once a while is okay, go nuclear! It’s not really great to hold on, to not cry when you want to scream. You are never big enough to be failing your own emotions. Because behind that beard there is a boy who did not want to grow up. But he did anyway because his friends would think of him to be less of a MAN.

Being a Jock:


See, I worship Sachin too. But it’s okay that you don’t want to. You don’t need to force yourself into sports when you actually never wanted to be that. Only because your friends call it cool, while you know, even he is struggling to cut the line. You don’t need to chase the ball if you don’t want to.

So it is to every man, boy and child. Stop burdening yourself, because society wants you to. Society is just the failed result of “Human rules for Dummies”, and it has failed you as it has failed us.


  So, smile a bit more, that you can always do, and talk to the boy behind that beard once a while, trust me he won’t let you fail. As this is what feminism is about. Equality. For you, for me, and for everybody.

Saturday, August 26, 2017




How lucky we were to have such an eminent childhood! Most of the people I know are lucky as me, but is every child in this nation equally lucky? The childhood is not merely a time from birth till a certain age but is the irretrievable experience that one never forgets. It is well said, “The childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies”. Seriously! Like all that glitter’s is not gold, similarly not everyone have a childhood worth remembering.

In our country where children are considered as gods, there are still many children who are not even considered as simple human beings. Yes, you read it right, the condition of children is getting more awful every day. The underprivileged children are facing it even worse. According to India’s constitution which gives the right to every child, free and compulsory education as per (RTE). It denotes the importance of education, that children between 6 to 14 years of age can access free and compulsory education.

The government has done its job by making this law, but somewhere it lacked in its full-fledged implementation. In our daily life we come through many children working at the dhabhas , selling tea at the railway stations, doing household jobs etc. from this we come to know that there is still a scope for betterment.

“CHILDHOOD, after all, is the precious coin that poverty steals from a child.”

In the age when one should be playing marbles, spinning lattu, running errands, these children lost their childhood, working to fetch some money. If we try to find out the reason due to which they have to engage themselves in these activities we will find out the Financial crisis, Alcoholic parents and Health issues with their family member being the driving force. To overcome this situation they have to step out of their shell of childhood and have to take the responsibility of their home.

In their tender age of their childhood, they fade away from their innocence and become mature. Without complaining to anyone they devote themselves in odd jobs. Hoping for better living. But many times they get exploited physically as well as mentally which put an adverse effect on them. In the worse case, they get abducted as well as trafficked and forcefully forced to beg. While a girl is trafficked, which is a matter of serious consideration.

Now, this should not be considered as the duty of our government only, but it’s also our responsibility to take considerable initiative in order to save the childhood and uproot this evil practice of child labour from our society, in order to make India a better place for every child to  live up to their dreams.

Penned BY:-

Friday, August 25, 2017

Making of a Brat

Making of a Brat

                “Chachha Bidhayak hai Hamre”, “Tu janta hai mera baap kon hai?” “Tujhe pata nai tune kisse panga liya hai ”  are the beautiful metaphorical figure of speeches, that are going to create a great set of classic literature of the upcoming millennial. They have gotten us chills more than the curses of the ancient most sadhus or the enormous scale of that sadistic teacher, who has created nightmares out of our childhood. 

                But you don’t actually need a Bidhayak Chachha in your family to enlighten the world. Just like any other public interview, you need a correct attitude. So, here I enlist 5 essential props in making of a brat.


Never forget to style your hair like a hipster. The most important thing is your unique hair. Thorny Alpaca hairs that Bekham ditched at least two decades back. NECESSARY. (Honestly I don’t really know what they are really called) But yes, Find out, go move. And a finely pruned and sheared beard, because you are a dude!

Gym mirror Selfie


Build those biceps big, WAY big. And wear that size ‘S’ T-Shirt that urges and screams to be torn, each and every thread must binge cry, MAKE SURE. And another motivational quote must commit suicide on the caption of your picture. Because, this is what makes you strong. ABS.

Easy tools


Gucci belts, Smart watch, an iphone, where the apple MUST be showing, and then you need every mainstream sexist Punjabi song in your Car. Yes a Car that you should drive in the most uncertainly reckless way, because this is how Brat works. And the music must be loud enough for at least 100 people around go deaf. Also sunglasses at 2 am work like chemical X. And a girlfriend,  with no opinions at all.



This is real concern, you need, to be ready to threaten. That is what makes you, YOU. Use words like Dope, Stud, Swag, and use the F-word for prefix. Then learn to dominate one self. Irritate them, to the height, let them curse you and then you use those golden words, “Tu janta nahi mai kon hu.” Apart from the fact they just met you, they must hear it. Because it’s Dope.

A Sidekick

 A skinny or overweight sidekick is the soul of your existence. The person who makes you look good, the person who fights for you and ends up gets beaten. Who talks on your behalf, stares on your behalf, breathes on your behalf, often takes your girlfriend out on your behalf. And in every job possible, makes you look like the better option.

You thought it will come easy? Nah! It takes hard work to be a lad, where hard work is money and from your Dad’s bank.

Think twice before cussing behind his back. Unless you are Him.

Good Luck....


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Youth And The Nation

Youth And The Nation

In the age of globalization when the world is  coming  closer , several things have changed. It has provided the wide area of accessibility and also the opportunities to showcase their skills. As we all know that India is known for having highest  youth population. Which shares 28% of its entire  population of the nation and said to be the largest human resource in the world. Due to this impenetrable load on working population,  the problem of Unemployment as well as Brain drain came into existence.

      Unemployment is when the people with required educational qualification unable to fetch jobs due to population pressure and tough competition. Due to this reason they  have to look   for other alternatives which  is below their caliber. 
The quote “EMPTY VESSELS MAKE MORE NOISE” seem to be true when every time we hear about several anti-social activities run across the nation, and the reason  turn up to be unemployment. It is simple that if the youth is kept ignorant such incidents will come up as the news headlines. But now the government is is looking forward turn the  youth skilled by the initiative like ‘Pradhan MantrI Kaushal Vikas Yojna’ and ‘STARTUP INDIA’.

In the present day, India has became a production firm of talented youths in the field of engineering, medicines and different sciences. Every year  a good number of skilled youths are hired by the foreign  companies offering them  handsome salary packages. Which definitely  left no option for them rather to migrate to the abroad nation. Assuming that they get exploited in their work place is not true, instead  with their hard work and skills the reach the top position in their respective companies. Here the point is not that how good they  do in abroad but the thing which we have to understand is , what are reason that after completing their studies they prefer going abroad than working in their own country.

 So basically we are just creating skilled youth for foreign nations. Which simply a matter of brain drain. If  we seriously  want to withhold the brain drain then it’s the duty of our government to generate good opportunities for the skilled youth ,only then we can achieve our goal of reverse brain drain. With  better economic policies and highest human capital to excute it , there is still a hope left for INDIA to become develop in all aspects.

Monday, August 21, 2017



How does it feel to be left alone? 

Or to be so heterogeneous that nobody feels to be of your kind, a little world that you have doesn’t fit anybody but you or the great big world fits everybody, BUT YOU. To read and to imagine, there is nothing wrong, maybe some of you might yell, “Get a life, live a bit more. Don’t be so dull”. But it’s not that easy, getting a life, when all you keep thinking about how disgusting it is. How a mature amount of time in your life is gone and yet you are a disgrace in your own eyes, and you could not earn one good person, who gets it. So, you plan to shut yourself, stay alone and scream over the pillow and cry rivers, for no good reason. It’s just the only comfortable thing to do.

This is what depression is. 

The feeling, of being left alone. While, you are the one who keeps leaving things behind. While you cry for the smallest thing like spilling water out of the glass, or getting a twisted ankle, and plead every time, “Why me”. Like knowing you have your own black clouds that are covering the sunshine, but can’t help remove them, as every time you touch them, it freaking rains a lot more.

The answers...

If you are depressed, you’ll sure read it and find comfort, but I can assure you, you are not getting answers for those questions that you have not yet discovered. This is more for the ones who are NOT depressed, who don’t think it’s a big deal, who think it is a very stupid and weak decision to commit suicide. Brother, weak people do commit suicide, but you need to know, it is not wrong to be weak. I must clear up I DO NOT support suicides at all. But, say your friend (just an imaginary one) has a chronic disease like Tuberculosis, he wrecked and weak and if he is not getting medications, Alas! He dies, but would you let it happen to a friend, you are supposedly a good person, and you would mix volcanoes to the sky to save that friend of yours, he is weak, but you don’t let him die, you help him out, it takes time, but he lives, after all the resistance.

            What should you do?

Your depressed friend is exactly like that, he shuts the door on you, misbehaves to you, asks you to leave, is because he is sick, he IS WEAK. And you can get him his medication, help him, talk to him, listen to him a bit, and maybe a lot. Be his pillow, let him cry, it will not be very pleasant, diseases are not supposed to be pleasant , but be the motivation he needs, they need you. You can cure their disease, you are the medication, and it’s the only way you can save your friend.

            What not to do?

 Do whatever Mate, never tell them, they don’t get it, that they think they are depressed, but actually they are fine, never tell them, they do it all for attention. Believe me they don’t. They need help, honestly.